Mistakes Men Make in Romance
Okay, I’ll admit it – we men excel at messing up our romantic lives. This is why romantic songs and movies and Hallmark cards are so popular – among women. They bring women a world of Enrique and Antonio and…
Okay, I’ll admit it – we men excel at messing up our romantic lives. This is why romantic songs and movies and Hallmark cards are so popular – among women. They bring women a world of Enrique and Antonio and…
Dear readers, I come to you with a confession and a request. My confession: I have experienced approximately 750 coffee dates. My request: Kill me now. Remember the controversy the U.S. endured over its practice of waterboarding political prisoners at…
Dear Future Soul Mate, Forgive me for not using your actual name. You see, we haven’t met yet. Tell you what — how ’bout I just refer to you as Julie? I’ve always liked that name and I wouldn’t be…
It would not be much fun for God to watch American Idol or The Voice every week. What with Him being all-knowing, the surprise factor would be virtually nil. Instead, it’s become crystal clear to me that the Almighty gets…
NELLVILLE, Ga. — Lonnie Dorfus has always enjoyed giving presents. “I’ll never forget the look of joy on my mother’s face when I gave her that lopsided clay mug I made for her birthday when I was in kindergarten. Or…